Compulsory attendance |
Also of interest |
- Link identifier #identifier__6361-4Substance and Process in Corporate Law: Theory and History, 19 November, h 12
- Link identifier #identifier__125635-5Anne Lagerwall (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Pop International Law, 18 November, h 18
- Link identifier #identifier__90662-6Marko Bošnjak (Presidente della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo), European democracy through law: the role of the ECtHR in building a robust Rule of Law, 14 November, h 15
- Link identifier #identifier__3346-7La tutela collettiva in Brasile. Un confronto con l’esperienza italiana alla luce del caso Dieselgate, 14 November, h 9:30
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Compulsory attendance |
Also of interest |
Compulsory attendance |
Also of interest |
- Link identifier #identifier__36442-11Ralf Poscher (Max Planck Institute Freiburg | Roma Tre Visiting Professor), Legislative Intent in Legal Interpretation 30 May, h 12
- Link identifier #identifier__139565-12Radka MacGregor Pelikánová (Metropolitní univerzita Praha – Roma Tre Visiting Professor), The New Unitary Patent System and Europe 28 May, h 15
- Link identifier #identifier__116223-13Radka MacGregor Pelikánová (Metropolitní univerzita Praha – Roma Tre Visiting Professor), Sustainability European Style – from accountability through responsibility to liability 27 May, h 15
- Carlos Moreno (Universidad Externado de Colombia, Roma Tre Visiting Fellow), L'azione di tutela colombiana (Acción de Tutela, ex art. 86 della Costituzione colombiana) Rinviata a data da destinarsi
- Ralf Poscher (Max Planck Institute Freiburg | Roma Tre Visiting Professor), Interpretation and Application of Fundamental Rights (Part I) 22 May
- Link identifier #identifier__157586-14Book discussion, Metodologia e diritto civile, di V. Velluzzi 16 May, h 11
- Link identifier #identifier__72768-15Emilios Christodoulidis (Glasgow), Scott Veitch (Hong Kong), AI and Digital Governance: the Law and Politics of New Technologies 10 May, h 12
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Also of interest |
- Link identifier #identifier__82444-17Laura Zoboli (Università di Brescia – Università Bocconi), Artificial Creators and Digital Dilemmas18 April, h 12
- Link identifier #identifier__185113-18José Luis Pinar (Universidad San Pablo, Madrid): Le sfide della “privacy” del cervello: i neurodiritt 15 April, h 12
- Link identifier #identifier__870-19Matthias Klatt (Graz & Roma Tre Visiting Professor), The use of foreign precedent 11 April, h 11
- Link identifier #identifier__141195-20Kevin Toh (UCL & Roma Tre Visiting Professor), Legal Fictions and Analogical Reasoning 4 April, h 11
- Link identifier #identifier__95276-21Mikael Madsen (Copenaghen), Salvatore Caserta (Copenaghen), Studying International Courts: Legal and Socio-Legal Approaches 3 April, h 14:30
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Also of interest |
- Link identifier #identifier__104389-24Kevin Toh (UCL & Roma Tre Visiting Professor), Legal Interpretation in General 28 March, h 11
- Link identifier #identifier__193465-25Dennis Patterson (Rutgers), Interpretation and Transnational Law 21 March, h 11
- Link identifier #identifier__83291-26Matthias Klatt (Graz & Roma Tre Visiting Professor), Constitutionally Conforming Interpretatio 14 March, h 11
- Link identifier #identifier__161003-27Giuseppe Zaccaria (Accademico dei Lincei), Il giudice e l’algoritmo 7 March, h 15
- Link identifier #identifier__119698-28Eleonora Branca (Roma Tre), Responsibility regimes of international organizations in peace operations 5 March, h 16
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Compulsory attendance |
Also of interest |
Michele Sancioni 13 Gennaio 2025
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