Qualifica | Professore Emerito |
Telefono | 0657334029 |
Cellulare aziendale | 81605 | | |
Indirizzo | Non Assegnato |
Struttura/Afferenza |
Cariche e responsabilità |
Altre informazioni | Curriculum |
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Titoli e cariche
- Professor emeritus of International Law at the University Roma Tre. Since 2002 in this University he has been teaching and conducting scientific research in International Law, International Humanitarian Law, Private International Law, European Union Law. He has been Director of the Department of of European Studies (2006-2008) and Dean of the Faculty of Law (2009-2015).
- Actually President of the Ethics Commission, of the University Roma Tre. During his career he has been Professor of International Law also at the University of Catania, the University of Teramo (Chancelor of this University in 1993-1994), the University of Florence. From 1989 to 2004 Chairman of the Italian Red Cross Committee for the Dissemination of International Humanitarian Law and later President of the Scientific Committee for IHL of the same organization; Member of the Ethics Commission of the Red Cross on the actions of the Red Cross to face the state of emergency for the earthquake in Central Italy.
- Decorated with Red Cross Gold Medal. Delegate to various diplomatic international conferences. Scientific affiliation to the Società Italiana di Diritto Internazionale; the Societé Française de Droit International; the International Institute of Humanitarian Law; the International Institute of Human Rights; the Associazione di Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo (member of the Council). Honorary Member of the “Centro Internazionale di Studi Gentiliani”.
- Member of the Italian Council for Refugees. Author of books and articles covering topics pertaining to International Law, International Organizations, International Disputes and International Court of Justice, Private International Law, International Criminal Law, International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law.