60 years on bringing the European Social Charter into changed times

The University of Roma Tre (Department of Law, Link identifier #identifier__120923-1Roma Tre Centro Internazionale di Ricerca ‘Diritto e Globalizzazione’) together with the Link identifier #identifier__154736-2University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre, and with the support of the European Social Charter Department of the Council of Europe, invite you to a one-day conference marking the 60th anniversary of the European Social Charter.
Featuring expert speakers (academics, current and former members of the European Committee of Social Rights, high-level representatives of the Council of Europe), the conference will focus on “bringing the European Social Charter into changed times”.
The event, in blended mode, will take place in Rome, University of Roma Tre (Aula Magna), on 6 October, 10:15-17:15 CET.
Link to streaming and online participation (MS Teams online event):
Link identifier #identifier__115229-3https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MzZlMTc1MWEtZDIyOS00ZmY2LWI3ZWUtMTUzYTYyZjE5Y2Vm%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ffb4df68-f464-458c-a546-00fb3af66f6a%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f960b4c7-1dbf-4386-9982-04f542edb40a%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d&btype=a&role=a
Physical attendance at the conference will be subject to the presentation of the Covid “Green Pass”. It is mandatory to wear protective masks.
The European Social Charter system is the most wide-ranging instrument providing for social rights in Europe. From workers’ rights to the protection against poverty and social exclusion, from the rights of persons with disabilities to equal opportunities for women and men, from the protection of health to the rights of migrants, the Charter with its monitoring machinery has proved a living instrument capable of engaging with the challenges faced by Europeans in the 60 years since its adoption.
But 60 years is a long time and much has changed in Europe and globally since October 1961. In recent years multiple crises have had - and continue to have - an adverse impact on the effective enjoyment of social rights by many communities across Europe.
If it is true that taking advantage of the Social Charter system’s potential constitutes a major tool for preventing and overcoming such crises, it is also true that this system needs to be strengthened and updated, in order to make it fit to meet the challenges that confront, today, the protection of social rights in Europe.
With this view, speakers in the Conference will address a wide range of crucial issues concerning both the material and personal scope of the Charter, as well as the Charter’s procedures for monitoring State compliance with social rights obligations.

Link identifier #identifier__81760-4Locandina

Link identifier #identifier__124115-5Programma