20110196 - Public Economics(Global Legal Studies)

The course of Public Economics belongs to the economics courses for the Global legal studies curriculum of Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza. The course is taught in English and provides an introduction to the economic analysis of State interventions in market economies. The course aims to provide the students with 1) an understanding of justifications and effects of State interventions in the economic systems, with reference to both efficiency and equity; 2) an understanding of the main issues concerning market failures: natural monopoly, asymmetric information, external effects, public goods; 3) an understanding of the main aspects concerning government budget formation and the main problems regarding deficit spending and public debt.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


Il corso si svolge interamente in lingua inglese. Consultare il programma in lingua inglese.

Testi Adottati

Rosen, H.S. and T. Gayer, Public Finance, Global Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2014

Musgrave, R.A and P.B. Musgrave, Public Finance in Theory and Practice, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1989

Cullis, J. and P. Jones, Public Finance and Public Choice, Third Edition, Oxford University Press, 2009

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Testi di approfondimento: Cinyabuguma, M., Talbot, P., and Putterman, L., Cooperation under the threat of expulsion in a public goods experiment, Journal of Public Economics, vol. 89(8), pp. 1421-1435, 2005. Medema, S., The Coase theorem at Sixty, Journal of Economic Literature, vol. 58(4), pp. 1045-1128, 2020. Musgrave, R.A., The nature of horizontal equity and the principle of broad-based taxation: a friendly critique, in Public Finance in a Democratic Society vol. II, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2000. Musgrave, R.A., Social contract, taxation, and the standing of deadweight loss, in Public Finance in a Democratic Society vol. II, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2000. Testi resi disponibili da rete di ateneo sulla pagina Moodle del corso

Modalità Erogazione

Lezioni frontali

Modalità Frequenza

Non obbligatoria

Modalità Valutazione

Il corso e la valutazione sono svolte in lingua inglese.