20110464 - Introduction to Law

The general part of the course aims at introducing to the study of law, starting with the basic concepts of jurisprudence. The expected goal is to provide students with the understanding of the fundamental logic of the juridical phenomenon, learning how to tackle and discuss legal problems and gain a good command of legal terminology.
The special part of the course aims at sketching the basic features of private law in the Western legal tradition, moving from its general concepts and then focusing on the main similarities and differences detectable among the legal traditions of civil law and common law. A particular focus is dedicated to the process of Europeanization of private law, with specific attention to the rules aiming at regulating market transactions and protecting consumers. The expected goal is to provide students the understanding of the main problematic areas that private law addresses not only at a national but especially at a supra- and trans-national level.
During the course groups of students are given an assignment. The expected goal is to train students in addressing legal issues by drawing up a memorandum and/or a presentation.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course is divided into 2 thematic modules.

(1) General part:
(i) Law and the State: private and public law.
(ii) Rules, principles, and families of legal systems.
(iii) Multi-level legal systems and sources of law.
(iv) National and international private law.
(v) European private law.
(vi) Soft law and transnational private law.

(2) Special part:
(i) Natural persons and legal entities.
(ii) Contract law (with focus on consumer law).
(iii) Tort law.
(iv) Property law.

Testi Adottati

Attending students:
- General part: P. Sirena, Introduction to Private Law, 3rd ed., Bologna, il Mulino, 2021 (only the Chapters discussed in class).
- Special part: further materials discussed in class and made available on the e-learning platform.

Non-attending students:
- P. Sirena, Introduction to Private Law, 3rd ed., Bologna, il Mulino, 2021.
- J. Hage, A. Waltermann, B. Akkermans (eds.), Introduction to Law, 2nd ed., Cham, Springer, 2017.

Modalità Erogazione

The course is based on two kind of classes: (i) general lectures, aimed at providing students with the theoretical foundations of the course; (ii) seminars, aimed at providing students with a more interactive, and therefore more critical, perspective of the theoretical concepts.

Modalità Valutazione

The assessment method is based on a final written exam. The written exam is composed by 3 open-ended questions: each answer is evaluated with a grade ranging from 0 to 10 points. For each answer, the minimun pass-grade (6/10) requires proof of the fundamental language skills and substantial knowledge that are strictly necessary to provide a basic description of the legal doctrines under analysis. For each answer, the maximum grade (10/10) implies proof of exhaustive knowledge of the private law basics, excellent command of technical language and systematic view, showing full capability of linking together relevant principles and rules of the legal system, connected with the specific doctrine under analysis. The exam lasts 60 minutes. For students who actively participate to a group assignment the final grade may be increased with a bonus up to 3/30, depending on the quality of their work.