Attività formative 2023

Lectures & Seminars 2023

Compulsory Attendance

Also of Interest


Link identifier #identifier__119669-1The Features and the Future of the Chinese Legal Paradigm

20 December, h 9:45

Link identifier #identifier__152655-2È possibile conoscere il diritto?

19 December, h 15

Link identifier #identifier__65587-3I Dialogo Giuridico Italo-Brasiliano

12 December, h 15

Link identifier #identifier__174731-4Lezioni di Fernando Rister de Sousa Lima

6 December h 10, and 7 December h 14

Link identifier #identifier__85442-5ESG: three letters that won’t save the planet

4 December, h 14

Link identifier #identifier__2837-6Bioethics and Racism

5 December, h 16


Link identifier #identifier__85085-7Locating feminist legal thought

28 and 30 November, h 16

Link identifier #identifier__129441-8Andrew Cecchinato, Occorre una dea. Venere e la storia del diritto inglese nel pensiero del giovane Selden

29 November, h 17:30

Link identifier #identifier__2775-9Marc de Wilde, Grotius on Slavery

22 November,h 17:30

Link identifier #identifier__57591-10Sustainability Aagreements, Green Transition and Article 101 TFEU

21 November, h 10

Link identifier #identifier__43133-11Digital platforms and the law: cross-border issues

14 November, h 14

Link identifier #identifier__151603-12Rethinking Speech in Critical Times

10 November, h 9:15

Link identifier #identifier__35523-13The law in Japan: between East and West

9 November, h 12


Link identifier #identifier__70270-14Methodology Seminars


Link identifier #identifier__3662-15An Analytical Reconstruction of Legal Hermeneutics
30/31 May, h 11.30-13
Link identifier #identifier__16510-16Il BVerfG e l’acquisto dei titoli del debito sovrano da parte della BCE: una sentenza memorabile
29 May, h 15.30
Link identifier #identifier__177068-17L’azione di tutela nel diritto colombiano. Canoni di confronto con la tutela cautelare d’urgenza ex art. 700 c.p.c.
12 May, h 13-15
Link identifier #identifier__137868-18Law at the University: Cultural Paradigms of Legal Scholarship
22 May, 12:00-13:30
Link identifier #identifier__157606-19Digitalisation of justice and predictive justice: European and Asian perspectives
2 May, 2023 h. 9.15
Link identifier #identifier__99146-20Regulation and Supervision of the Financial System
19 April, h 12-14
15 May, h 12-14
Link identifier #identifier__83472-21International law as a tool for guaranteeing and enhancing state sovereignty
11 May, h 16
Link identifier #identifier__36459-22Digitalization of Courts in China
8 May, h 12.30
International workshop: Law and Social Reproduction: the misconceived value of care
4-5 May 2023
Link identifier #identifier__15254-23part1Link identifier #identifier__44745-24part2


Link identifier #identifier__22656-25Il superamento del giudicato per il rilievo ufficioso dell’abusività della clausola contrattuale
5 April 2023, h 13-15
Link identifier #identifier__22109-26Roma Tre Law Review – ‘Readings’: Filippo Annunziata, Obiter dicta
19 April 2023, h 13-15
Link identifier #identifier__90037-27International Conference TOWARDS PSD3:
14 April 2023, h 10-18


Link identifier #identifier__86611-29Non-European International Courts and the Struggle for the Rule of Law
30 March 2023, h 10:30 – 12:00
Link identifier #identifier__46136-30The Role of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
16 March 2023, h 15.30
Link identifier #identifier__160984-31Seminars on Law and Globalization
23 March – 24 May