The department aims to:
- Provide innovative academic courses in the field of Legal Sciences, such as our five-year Master in Law, five-year Master in Global Legal Studies, Link identifier #identifier__175643-1three-year Bachelor in Legal Services Sciences, and Link identifier #identifier__87954-2three-year Bachelor in Territorial and IT Security Legal Services;
- Guarantee a solid legal foundation that prepares students to respond to the changing demands of the labour market and the professional world, and develops their critical skills and cultural sensitivity;
- Foster a fruitful and satisfying relationship between students and teachers.
The department offers a wide range of post-graduate courses:
- Link identifier #identifier__174564-3Masters and advanced training courses aimed at acquiring specialist professional skills;
- Link identifier #identifier__56696-4Doctorate in Legal Disciplines;
- Link identifier #identifier__57894-5School of Specialization in the Legal Professions.
Particular attention is focused on internationalization through courses such as:
- Five-year Master in Link identifier #identifier__112681-6Global Legal Studies;
- Courses in various European languages, particularly included in the Link identifier #identifier__125320-7Studying Law at Roma Tre initiative;
- Link identifier #identifier__100810-8Double and joint degrees in collaboration with foreign universities;
- Training exchanges as part of conventional programmes and Link identifier #identifier__67261-9other initiatives with numerous European and non-European universities.
The department promotes:
- Teaching that privileges learning and the development of critical skills;
- Interactive learning by doing through Link identifier #identifier__30943-10legal clinics and simulated legal competitions.
The department prides itself on its International openness, focus on the transnational dimension of law and interdisciplinary approach to the intersections of law and social change, in addition to the traditional study of the body of applicable law, for all of which it has been awarded the recognition of Link identifier #identifier__54939-11Department of Excellence by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research for the five-year period from 2018 to 2022 and from 2023 to 2027.
12 September 2023