Nova Southeastern University

Nova Southeastern University

In spring 2008, the Law Faculty of Roma Tre University established an exchange program with Nova Southeastern Link identifier #identifier__149314-1University, Shepard Broad College of Law in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  Under its auspices, qualified, selected Roma Tre students can study abroad for a single semester or obtain a dual degree in law, in the only US-Italy dual degree program in operation between law schools in these two countries.



Info-Session on Study Abroad in the USA: Dual Degree at Nova Southeastern University Law School (NSU), and semester and quarter abroad at NSU, Un. Washington and Cardozo Law School. Held 21 Oct. 2022

Studying law at Roma Tre Link identifier #identifier__184934-5

Avv. Giacomo Bossa, Laureato Roma Tre e Nova Southeastern University Link identifier #identifier__39822-6

Dual degree in law: Nova Southeastern, Roma Tre Link identifier #identifier__61671-7

Michele Sancioni 29 February 2024