The Purpose of the Programme

English is, nowadays, the international lingua franca, whatever the domain. People from different cultures and linguistic backgrounds regularly communicate with people in other countries in English. Knowledge of English is essential in all sectors exposed to the winds of globalisation. Among them are lawyers who speak, read, write and communicate with others throughout the world in English, whether in the practice of trans-national business, political affairs, or academic discussions.

The Roma Tre Law Department offers its own students, as well as students from other universities in Italy and abroad, the opportunity to acquire excellent legal-English skills in classes taught entirely in English. Teaching and learning in English is not only a linguistic issue. There are other substantial implications. English legal terminology is very different from the terminology used in continental legal systems. Also, the conciseness of the English language and the pragmatic mentality behind it bring along both a different way of presenting the topics as well as a different teaching method. A practical approach is used throughout the programme to enhance both student knowledge of legal English and legal studies.

Michele Sancioni 21 June 2023