The Students

Courses are open to students from the Roma Tre Law Department and from other Italian universities as well as students from other countries. They may also enroll in courses and seminars on a single basis (without being enrolled at Roma Tre or any university). Students not enrolled at Roma Tre should contact the students’ office (Segreteria degli Studenti) at Via Ostiense n. 129.

Based on the subject of study, each course will have a maximum of 30 students. Students will have to demonstrate a sufficient level of English language proficiency to enter the program. (See the Enrollment pages.) The subjects are taught at specialisation (graduate) level; therefore, they will be addressed mainly to last-year undergraduate students, or to those students who have already completed the basic study requirements (based on the course selected) in private, company, international and EU law.

Michele Sancioni 21 June 2023