Points of Interest

Montemartini MuseumCentrale Montemartini

The Musei Capitolini Centrale Montemartini houses a dreamy collection of 400 ancient statues, set evocatively in a classic 1932 electric power-plant among generators and Metropolis-type cast-iron machinery. While the art is not as famous as the collections you’ll see downtown, the effect is fun and memorable.

The Porta San PaoloPorta San Paolo

is one of the southern gates in the ancient but well-preserved 3rd century Aurelian Walls of Rome, Italy. The gatehouse is flanked by two cylindical towers. The structure is attributed to Massenzio in the 4th century. It is possible to enter the Ostiense Museum housed within in this gatehouse for a small charge. Now it is an island in a sea of traffic, like many of Rome’s ancient monuments.

The Pyramid of CestiusPiramide Cestio

is an ancient pyramid in Rome, near the Porta San Paolo and the Protestant Cemetery. It stands in a fork between two ancient roads, the Via Ostiensis and another road that ran west to the Tiber along the appoximate line of the modern Via Marmorata. Due to its incorporation into the city’s fortifications, it is today one of the best-preserved ancient buildings in Rome.

St. Paul’s BasilicaBasilica San Paolo

At just a few hundred yards south of the Law School is Rome’s second largest basilica and a unique testimony to the Paleo-Christian, Byzantine, Renaissance and Baroque periods.

Michele Sancioni 21 June 2023