20110799 - Diritto delle famiglie

The course explores the plurality of family models present in society and in law with a critical and comparative look.

The main objectives of the course are: 1. To understand the load-bearing structures of family law in their ability to concretely determine the conformation and modes of interaction of couple and filiation relationships, gender roles in the family and society, and the manner of distribution of wealth produced within the family; 2. To know the legal forms of the "right to love," i.e., the ways of access to the legal family as a means of (a) accepting the plurality of affective ties and (b) enjoying citizenship, understood as the fullness of the right to have rights; 3. To learn the dynamics of interaction between family, market and civil society in light of the constitutional principles of equality, dignity, solidarity and self-determination.

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Mutuazione: 20110799 Diritto delle famiglie in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 MARELLA MARIA ROSARIA