20110686 - Prison law clinic

The course aims to get students concretely involved in the protection of the rights of prison inmates by directly confronting their legal cases. The learner will travel to penal institutions and, with the support of the lecturer and other experts in the field, will confront the issues raised by the users and engage in their resolution.
The course is therefore characterised by the 'clinical method' being: practice-oriented, based on the resolution of concrete problems and the management of the relationship with the client and the other parties involved in the legal case (administration, magistrates, guarantors, etc.),
In this way, the course is an advantage not only for the student, who acquires skills and abilities of a practical nature (learning by doing), but also for the detained persons.
scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 20110686 Clinica legale penitenziaria in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 TALINI SILVIA


The course aims to get students concretely involved in the protection of the rights of prison inmates by directly confronting their legal cases. The learner will travel to penal institutions and, with the support of the lecturer and other experts in the field, will confront the issues raised by the users and engage in their resolution.
The course is therefore characterised by the 'clinical method' being: practice-oriented, based on the resolution of concrete problems and the management of the relationship with the client and the other parties involved in the legal case (administration, magistrates, guarantors, etc.),
In this way, the course is an advantage not only for the student, who acquires skills and abilities of a practical nature (learning by doing), but also for the detained persons.

Testi Adottati

Since this is a practical course, there are no theoretical texts, the material regarding solving concrete cases to be addressed will be provided by the lecturer directly during the course.

Modalità Valutazione

The assessment consists of a written test in which the student must solve the legal case submitted to him/her.