20110603 - Legal Clinic European law Perspectives on Innovation Challenges - EPIC Jean Monnet Module

The training objective is to offer students a useful path for understanding social changes, as well as for the protection of individuals and for the technological innovation’s regulation in the digital context. The project proposal is part of the European regulatory framework relating to competition law and consumers protection (with a focus on the vulnerable individuals rights).
Objectives: the "legal clinic” aims to: 1) offer students a qualified legal training on private law discipline related to new technologies with relevant attention to the digital consumer, adopting an innovative learning method based on a practical approach; 2) promote greater awareness about problems of people in situations of discomfort in accessing to justice and rights protection ; 3) build a network of collaboration between academics (students and professors), qualified lawyers and civil society organizations, operating in the context of consumers protection; 4) develop jurisdictional strategies designed to overcome the most relevant weaknesses of actual legislation and its non-conformity to international standards.
scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 20110603 Clinica legale in diritto dell’innovazione e del consumatore digitale - EPIC Modulo Jean Monnet in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 BATTELLI ETTORE


Through a cross-disciplinary and transversal approach (administrative law, European law, financial sciences; provided by the lecturers who are members of the research group of the Jean Monnet EPIC Module Project - European Law Perspectives on Innovation Challenges), the Clinic looks at the main legal, economic and social challenges of technological innovation: from Artificial Intelligence to Blockchain, from algorithmic systems to the circulation of personal data. The course aims at fostering the understanding of digital market dynamics also through the critical analysis of traditional categories and institutions, with a special focus on phenomena related to the so-called new digital vulnerabilities.

Testi Adottati

ETTORE BATTELLI, Diritto privato digitale, Giappichelli, Torino, 2022.
The Professor will supply all the required materials (mainly slides and notes) available on the e-learning platform.

Modalità Erogazione

The teaching method adopted takes into account modern active learning techniques that focus on lectures, discussion and resolution of practical cases. Of central importance will be a casuistic and practical approach that will enable the participants to come into contact with the concrete behaviour of the legal phenomena under study. In this way, the aim is to observe and deepen the legal problems inherent in the topics dealt with from a practical-applicative perspective, as a natural evolution of the learning of theoretical-institutional notions. In this sense, seminar meetings are held with leading practitioners in the sector that will offer students an "inside look" and a unique perspective of practical application of the theoretical notions learnt during the lectures.

Modalità Frequenza

Compulsory attendance and participation in classroom exercises.

Modalità Valutazione

The course is aimed at facilitating professional choices through direct knowledge of the work sector to which the preparation acquired in the lessons may give access. To this end, assiduous attendance of lectures (at least 9) and active participation in the classroom, as well as a final written test with multiple-choice questions, constitute assessment criteria.