20110601 - Attività: Comparative Competition Law(Legal English)

This course, taught in English, focuses on competition law from a comparative perspective (with particular reference to the European Union and the United States). It aims to provide students with the tools for understanding antitrust policies and their concrete implementation through the study of EU and U.S. legislation, case law and enforcement practice. In addition to dealing with individual cases, the course includes in-depth study of specific topics related to sectors of interest (including digital markets) and the intersections between competition law and other areas of law, such as intellectual property law. In addition, the course provides for the active participation of students in the analysis and discussion of relevant case law and in the simulation of trials.
scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 20110601 Attività: Comparative Competition Law(Lingua giuridica) in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 COLANGELO MARGHERITA


This activity is connected to the course Comparative Competition Law, taught in English, which focuses on competition law from a comparative perspective (with particular reference to the European Union and the United States). It aims to provide students with the tools for understanding antitrust policies and their concrete implementation through the study of EU and U.S. legislation, case law and enforcement practice. In addition to dealing with individual cases, the course includes in-depth study of specific topics related to sectors of interest (including digital markets) and the intersections between competition law and other areas of law, such as intellectual property law. In addition, the course provides for the active participation of students in the analysis and discussion of relevant case law and in the simulation of trials.

Testi Adottati

In addition to cases examined during lessons, a selection of readings will be recommended, mainly from the following textbook:

R. Whish – D. Bailey, Competition Law, Oxford University Press 2021- selected chapters

Modalità Frequenza


Modalità Valutazione

Student evaluation will be based on class work and class participation (i.e. oral presentations given during the semester) and a final written exam.