20110496 - L’amministrazione digitale

The course aims to analyze the main stages of the transition from traditional administration to digital administration, to know the main operating methods and to see how the traditional institutions of administrative law meet this new mode of action. Particular attention will necessarily also be given to the aspect of the transparency of administrative action.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


L. Torchia, The Digital State, Il Mulino. latest edition.
Constitutional Law, fasc. 1/2023
Additional materials will be provided during the course

Testi Adottati

Lo Stato digitale (L. Torchia)
tutti i contributi di dottrina sulla Rivista di Diritto costituzionale (FrancoAngeli) 1/2023

Modalità Valutazione

The exam consists of an oral interview concerning several questions on the exam program. The interview is aimed at verifying the understanding of the institutes and the degree of deepening of the topics that are the subject of the course