20110855 - Activities: Law Clinic "Right to the City"

The law clinic "right to the city" intends to pursue educational objectives of increasing legal knowledge,
learning about different aspects related to access to justice, and substantial problem solving, embracing a
conception of the University as a critical model of knowledge production and sharing.
The project aims to work on substantive cases with the intention of filling gaps in legal protection
regarding situations or interests that are not adequately covered by current regulations or do not properly
fit within the standards required by national, European and international regulations.
The legal clinic constitutes a privileged tool for achieving this objective, since it is a teaching method
based on experiential learning (learning-by-doing), which aims to foster the growth of knowledge, skills
(abilities) and values in students, while also promoting social justice goals.
Through the support and guidance of the lecturer and tutors, lawyers and other professionals and experts,
students can also learn legal knowledge in its concrete application through direct experience, contact,
listening to users and applying legal discipline to the solution of real cases.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The legal clinic in question pursues the goal of offering legal protection to and for the residents of the
metropolitan area of Rome who see their right to the city compressed or threatened understood -
schematizing and without claiming to be exhaustive of the complex issues related to life in the
metropolis - as the right to inhabit (right to housing), the right to a healthy and equitable urban environment
(spatial justice) and the right to fair and efficient mobility (mobility rights), in this also encompassing
the accessibility of the urban area itself and its (infra)facilities (right to roam).
The operation of the clinic involves the involvement of a legal counsel and the advice of experts in
geography and urban sociology. To this end, a financial contribution in the amount determined by the