20110803 - Special criminal law of security

The course of lecture focuses on the analysis of the "special part" of Criminal law, with specific reference to crims linked to issues relating to territorial and IT security. The course will analize various sectors of criminal law such as terrorism, cybercrimes, environmental crimes and international crimes. The aim of the course is to offer the basic tools to orient the student in understanding the most recurring theoretical and practical problems with reference to the aforementioned topics, also in the perspective of the possible career paths.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course deals with the special part of criminal law, with particular regard to those areas dedicated to the protection of public and individual and environmental safety, as well as the protection of human rights.

Testi Adottati


Fiorella (a cura di), Questioni fondamentali della parte speciale del diritto penale, Giappichelli, Sez. II Cap. III; Sez. III Cap. I e II

Fiandaca - Musco., Diritto penale . Parte Speciale, Volume I, ult. ed. Zanichelli, Cap. I, sez. I -II -III; Cap. V, Sez. II; Cap. VII

Bartoli, Pelissero, Seminara, Diritto penale, Lineamenti di parte speciale, Giappichelli, Ult. ed.; Parte V.

Updated version of Italian Criminal Code.

During the lessons, the lecturer will provide specific material on some topics

Modalità Valutazione

Oral Exam