20110802 - Roman Foundations of European Private Law

The Course is intended to deepen the influence of scientia iuris, and therefore of the Roman model, on the construction of European Law with a special casistic focus to an istitution or a particular problem of Private Law.


scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 20110802 Fondamenti romanistici del diritto privato europeo in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 ROSSETTI GIULIETTA


The Course is intended to deepen the influence of scientia iuris, and therefore of the Roman model, on the construction of European Law with a special focus to an istitution or a particular problem of Private Law.

Testi Adottati

Students who attend the class: didattic materials of the lessons.
Non attending students: L. VACCA, Diritto giurisprudenziale romano e scienza giur europea, a cura di G. Rossetti, Torino, 2017

Modalità Frequenza

The attendance of lessons is raccomended.

Modalità Valutazione

For students who attend the class and for non-attending students the final exam is oral.