20110681 - Security law and legislation

a) to make known the different and different notions of security (regulatory security, security, safety);
b) provide a constitutional framework of the general issue of security in relation to the various rights of constitutional freedom;
c) make known the fundamental legislation on public safety in relation to the bodies intended to guarantee the same;
d) to make it possible to carry out critical considerations on the relationship between security and the other constitutional values of the legal system
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course aims to provide a constitutional framework of the general theme of security in its various notions, applications and disciplinary variants.
In particular, the issue of public and social security will be deepened in relation to the rights of freedom, social rights and the regulatory and administrative competences of the territorial autonomies.
The most relevant ordinary legislation on institutions responsible for the protection of security will be illustrated as will the most recent constitutional jurisprudence on the subject

Testi Adottati

For attending attending
The teacher will provide materials and handouts during the lessons.
For non-attending students
A. Sterpa, La libertà dalla paura, Editoriale scientifica, Napoli, 2019
G. Pistorio, La sicurezza giuridica. Profili attuali di un problema antico, Editoriale scientifica, Napoli, 2021

Modalità Erogazione

The lessons will take place partly in presence (on Friday) and partly remotely on the Teams platform (on Thursday). The first lesson scheduled for Thursday 5 October 2023 (9:00-11:00) will be in presence Class attendance is optional

Modalità Valutazione

Oral examination Generally three questions will be asked about different parts of the program An adequate property of technical-legal language and at least fundamental knowledge of the topics are required are essential to pass the exam