20110572 - Diritti fondamentali, Costituzione e intelligenza artificiale

The course aims to explore the constitutional dimension in which the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) fits, analysing the opportunities and risks for individual rights and freedoms arising from technological innovation, and also examining the contribution that constitutional principles can offer in guiding the regulatory framework applicable to AI.At the end of the course, students will have acquired a basic knowledge of the dynamics associated with the implementation of artificial systems and will be able to grasp the impact that AI can have on the main areas of the state-citizen relationship.
scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 20110572 Diritti fondamentali, Costituzione e intelligenza artificiale in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 COLAPIETRO CARLO


The course aims to explore the constitutional dimension in which the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) fits, analysing the opportunities and risks for individual rights and freedoms arising from technological innovation, and also examining the contribution that constitutional principles can offer in guiding the regulatory framework applicable to AI.At the end of the course, students will have acquired a basic knowledge of the dynamics associated with the implementation of artificial systems and will be able to grasp the impact that AI can have on the main areas of the state-citizen relationship.
1) General overview of the constitutional protection of fundamental rights and freedoms.
2) Background and introductory remarks on AI.
3) Risks of misuse (discrimination, manipulation) and unjustified underuse (loss of opportunities) of AI.
4) Ethical and legal principles in the field of AI, with particular reference to the most recent regulatory and soft-law interventions at European and international level.
5) Impacts of AI on specific areas of the state-citizen relationship: AI and civil law issues; AI and health; AI in public-private power relations; AI and public administration; AI and data protection; AI and labour; AI and Smart Cities; AI and metaverse.

Testi Adottati

General part
• G. SARTOR, L’intelligenza artificiale e il diritto, Giappichelli, 2022

Special part
• C. CASONATO, M. FASAN, S. PENASA (a cura di), Diritto e intelligenza artificiale, in DPCE Online - Sezione monografica, 2022, fasc. 1
• G. CERRINA FERONI, C. FONTANA, E.C. RAFFIOTTA (a cura di), AI Anthology, il Mulino, 2022 (limited to the Parts I e II)

Modalità Erogazione

The course will be conducted through lectures.

Modalità Valutazione

Evaluation will be by oral examination.