20110360 - Institutions of Roman law

The course aims at introducing the students to the knowledge and comprehension of the foundations of private law, i.e. the fundamental concepts and legal rules governing private law relationships between individuals and corresponding remedies.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course analyzes the historical evolution of Roman Private Law from its origins to the Justinian age. The Roman Private Law’s main topics are:
1. General historical framework (2 h);
2. Sources of Roman Law (8 h);
3. Civil procedure (18 h);
4. Individuals and family (2 h);
5. Facts, acts and legal acts. Obligations and contract law (12 h);
6. Ownership, possession, other rights in rem (6 h);
7. Inheritance law (2 h).
The main purpose of this course is to explain the elementary discipline of the institutes created by the Roman legal science. The course also aims to encourage students to analyze specific legal issues: students should become familiar with the methodological tools needed to apply theoretical knowledge to private law issues.

Testi Adottati

V. MANNINO, Introduzione alla storia del diritto privato dei Romani (3a ed.), Torino, 2018.
Students are exempt from presenting the parts of the program corresponding to the following sections of the book:
Cap. VI, § 8 (247-250)
Cap. VII, § 3-6 (256-261)
Cap. VIII, Sezione quinta, §§ 9-9.1-9.2-9.3; 10 (471-486).
Cap. IX.
Cap. X.§§4-15, 17-25 e 28.
Texts for additional consultation, according to the indications gradually provided in class by the teacher:
Le Istituzioni di Gaio. Traduzione italiana, a cura di M. Balzarini, Torino, 1998.
M. MARRONE, Istituzioni di Diritto romano (3° ed.) 2006

Modalità Erogazione

The teaching method aims at promoting learning through frontal lessons, in which each legal feature is taken into account with their inseparable logical and systematic correlation. Learning material will be uploaded on the Uniroma Tre e-learning platform. Any conferences and/or seminars of interest for the topics dealt with, as well as tutoring activities and optional workshops related to the course will be reported from time to time during the lectures.

Modalità Valutazione

The examination will take place for every student in oral form: in order to verify the level of achievement of the educational objectives indicated, the student is asked to answer three questions on different topics that are the subject of the course. Language of the oral exam: Italian. The final grade is expressed in thirtieths (30/30). The evaluation between 18 and 20 corresponds to a sufficient, yet low and basic, knowledge of the subject; the evaluation between 20 and 25 shows a more than sufficient / discreet knowledge; the evaluation between 25 and 29 shows a good or very good knowledge as well as commendable critical skills. The evaluation between 30 and 30 cum laude corresponds to a very good or excellent knowledge along with a high critical, analytical and connection skills. ERASMUS students are kindly requested to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course in order to agree on the exam’s programme, which will consist in the discussion of an assigned paper on a specific subject, that as to be written in English or in Italian.