20110290 - Diritto del mercato del lavoro

The teaching of labor market law aims to deepen the institutions aimed at regulating the meeting between demand and supply of labor.In this context, public employment offices, private employment agencies and figures for support and accompaniment towards the new workplace will be analyzed.
Among these, economic support measures such as economic unemployment benefits, citizenship income, Cassa integrazione guadagni (Passive labor policies) stand out.
Measures aimed at retraining, training and re/reintegration of staff (Active Labour Policies).
The section relating to the job offer consists of all types of employment relationships with which the worker can be hired (subordination, fixed-term employment contract, part-time employment contract, intermittent employment contract, work administration, coordinated and continuous collaborations, occasional work), as well as the economic treatment of the worker and the main forms of protection in the workplace.
The matter will conclude with an in-depth analysis of the main dismissal measures and the protections provided in the event that the employer's withdrawal is unlawful.