The course aims at the following learning objectives:
a) being familiar with the main authors and theories which have influenced contemporary legal culture; b) to acquire competences in relation to the main concepts of legal theory; c) to develop a critical approach to legal knowledge and culture.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course will focus on the conflict between different philosophical models of interpreting law and criminal law in particular. The teaching objectives are: a) to provide students with the theoretical tools necessary for the deep analysis of the legal system, with a focus on criminal law; b) to allow them to orient themselves in the panorama of philosophical and theoretical reflection on criminal law, through an analytical exposition of the theory of guarantee, starting from Cesare Beccaria.
Finally, attention will be paid to the great questions around punishment: why, who, how and when to punish.

Testi Adottati

The Program is composed by ten online essaysand two books

I) Ten online essays:
1. Diritto, filosofia e teoria generale di Riccardo Guastini
2. Giusnaturalismo e giuspositivismo di Norberto Bobbio
3. Costituzionalismo di Nicola Matteucci
4. Stato e Costituzione: l’esperienza del Novecento di Maurizio Fioravanti
5. Sovranità di Maurizio Fioravanti
6. Giustizia di Mauro Barberis
7. Libertà di Salvatore Veca
8. Diritti dell'uomo di Louis Henkin
9. Norberto Bobbio: il contributo italiano alla storia del pensiero di Pier Palo Portinaro
10. Cesare Beccaria

II) Cesare Beccaria, Dei delitti e delle pene, (a cura di Patrizio Gonnella e Susanna Marietti), Giappichelli, seconda edizione con un saggio introduttivo di Luigi Ferrajoli, 2024

III) Dario Ippolito. Lo spirito del garantismo. Montesquieu e il potere di punire. Donzelli, 2021.

Modalità Erogazione

The course includes lectures and seminars

Modalità Frequenza

Frequency is recommended

Modalità Valutazione

Evaluation, by oral examination, will be at the end of the course based on the study of the indicated texts. Attendance is important to understand the books. Attendees will have access to a written exemption test.