The main purpose of the course is to provide the student with the main tools necessary to handle the subject of penitentiary treatment, through the knowledge of both the legislation required by the laws specifically dedicated to it (Law n. 354 of 1975 and its executive regulation) and the provisions of the penal code and of the code of criminal procedure related to it. The fundamental priority of the course will also be to deepen the current supranational framework on the subject of penitentiary regulation and prisoners' rights, through the analysis of both legislative texts and the more relevant jurisprudential judgments.
scheda docente | materiale didattico



The program includes the study of the following topics:
- international and constitutional principles regarding penitentiary expiation;
- subjects of the prison administration;
- observation and treatment;
- penitentiary circuits and differentiations between prisoners;
- alternative measures to detention;
- vulnerable individuals;
- other forms of detention;
- surveillance procedure;
- protection of prisoners' rights.

Testi Adottati

1) For attending students the final exam will be on the lecture notes and on the teaching support material provided during the course, supplemented by the study of the following text:

P. Corso (a cura di), Manuale della esecuzione penitenziaria, Monduzzi, last edition;
F.Della Casa- G.Giostra, Manuale di Diritto penitenziario, Giappichelli, last edition,

limited to the chapters corresponding to the topics covered in the lesson.

2) For the other students, the final exam will be on the study of the following text:

P. Corso (a cura di), Manuale della esecuzione penitenziaria, Monduzzi, last edition
F.Della Casa- G.Giostra, Manuale di Diritto penitenziario, Giappichelli, last edition

Modalità Erogazione

The teaching provides for frontal lessons in the classroom. Frontal lectures in which all the fundamental topics of the instututional part of the course are dealt with, in addition to deepening some topical issues also through the organization of study meetings with experts and operators in the sector and participation in a series of visits organized at penitentiary institutions.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not mandatory

Modalità Valutazione

The teaching ends with an oral exam. In order to verify the level of the learning achieved, the student will have to answer two or three questions, first formulated by one of the teaching staff and, secondly, by the teacher, on various topics of the course.