20110006 - Informatica giuridica e logica giuridica (aspetti applicativi)

A student who passes this course should be able to use professional software (included the open sources) and to complete individual and group study tasks. Students should acquire general knowledge on how to conduct research in hardcopy archives and electronic databases, and insight into the legal documentation, legal communication and the rationale connected to such activities.


scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 20110006 Informatica giuridica e logica giuridica (aspetti applicativi) in Scienze dei servizi giuridici L-14 GONNELLA PATRIZIO


The programme will offer a critical reading of the information society and will be developed around the following lines:
1. Open societies and closed societies
2. The information society
3. Ethics, technology and society
4. Digital inequalities
5. Open source systems and network multinationals
6. Internet and human rights
7. Right to be forgotten and the network
8. Copyright and the Net
9. Archives and privacy
10. Network and minors
11. Network and prisoners
12. Safety and protection from the Net
13. Algorithms and fb
14. Ethnic profiling
15. The Brexit case
16. The Snowden case
17. The Assange case
18. The Trump case
19. Network and cyberbullying
20. Network and hate crimes
21. AI
22. Algorithms and criminal prevention

Testi Adottati

Giovanni Ziccardi. Diritti digitali. Informatica giuridica per le nuove professioni. Raffaello cortina editore. 2022

Modalità Erogazione

The course involves the active participation of students. Expert seminars are planned.

Modalità Frequenza

frequency is recommended

Modalità Valutazione

The course will include in itinere assessment and practical work for those attending. Active participation will be assessed. For non-attenders, there will be an oral examination.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The programme will offer a critical reading of the information society and will be developed around the following lines:
1. Open societies and closed societies
2. The information society
3. Ethics, technology and society
4. Digital inequalities
5. Open source systems and network multinationals
6. Internet and human rights
7. Right to be forgotten and the network
8. Copyright and the Net
9. Archives and privacy
10. Network and minors
11. Network and prisoners
12. Safety and protection from the Net
13. Algorithms and fb
14. Ethnic profiling
15. The Brexit case
16. The Snowden case
17. The Assange case
18. The Trump case
19. Network and cyberbullying
20. Network and hate crimes
21. AI
22. Algorithms and criminal prevention

Testi Adottati

Giovanni Ziccardi. Diritti digitali. Informatica giuridica per le nuove professioni. Raffaello cortina editore. 2022

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

A bibliography will be provided in class

Modalità Erogazione

The course involves the active participation of students. Expert seminars are planned.

Modalità Frequenza

frequency is recommended

Modalità Valutazione

The course will include in itinere assessment and practical work for those attending. Active participation will be assessed. For non-attenders, there will be an oral examination.