The course aims at introducing students to the main legal systems consolidated globally, and more specifically to those with which the Italian legal system has major contacts. The approach will be both from a historical perspective and from one taking into consideration the main and current intersections between legal systems, highlighting similarities, convergences and competition between models.


scheda docente | materiale didattico



The course aims at introducing students to the comparative methodology and to the main legal systems consolidated globally. The approach will be both from an historical perspective and from one taking into consideration the main and current intersections between legal systems, highlighting similarities, convergences and competition between models and taking into account the developments deriving from the process of supranational harmonization of laws.
The program will focus on:
-the civil law tradition
-the common law tradition
-the tradition of Nordic systems
-the Islamic tradition
-the Hindi tradition
-the Confucian tradition
-the process of supranational harmonization of laws

Testi Adottati

V. Varano – V. Barsotti, La tradizione giuridica occidentale, Giappichelli, Torino, 2021
G. Calabresi, Il mestiere di giudice. Pensieri di un accademico americano, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2013

Modalità Erogazione

The course aims to stimulate the active participation of students through the Socratic method and the use of new technologies. It also aims to familiarise students with realistic and interdisciplinary approaches to legal phenomena.

Modalità Valutazione

Written exam The exam is composed of : a) ten multiple choice questions (1 point for every correct answer); b) two open questions (from 0 to 11 points for each answer). The total exam duration is 50 m. Erasmus students may agree with the Professor an alternative exam in Italian or in their own language.

scheda docente | materiale didattico




The course aims at introducing students to the comparative methodology and to the main legal systems consolidated globally. The approach will be both from an historical perspective and from one taking into consideration the main and current intersections between legal systems, highlighting similarities, convergences and competition between models and taking into account the developments deriving from the process of supranational harmonization of laws.
The program will focus on:
-the civil law tradition
-the common law tradition
-the tradition of Nordic systems
-the Islamic tradition
-the Hindi tradition
-the Confucian tradition
-convergence and circulation between legal traditions
-the process of supranational harmonization of laws

Students can prepare on the following textbooks:
1) V. Varano – V. Barsotti, La tradizione giuridica occidentale, latest edition, Giappichelli, Torino


2) G. Calabresi, Il mestiere di giudice. Pensieri di un accademico americano, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2013

Testi Adottati


Students can prepare on the following textbooks:

1) V. Varano – V. Barsotti, La tradizione giuridica occidentale, Giappichelli, Torino, latest ed.


2) G. Calabresi, Il mestiere di giudice. Pensieri di un accademico americano, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2013

Modalità Erogazione

The course aims at stimulating an active participation of students, both through the socratic method and through the use of new technologies. It aims at introducing students to a realist and interdisciplinary approach towards legal phenomena.

Modalità Valutazione

The final exam is a written exam in two parts: a) ten multiple answer questions (1 point for every correct answer; 0 points for every incorrect or blank answer); b) two open-ended essay questions (these questions can be graded from 0 to 11 points each). The final score is the sum of the scores of part a) + part b). The exam is 50 minutes long. In order to access the exam and for further details, students are kindly requested to register onto the E-learning page of the course.

scheda docente | materiale didattico



The course aims at introducing students to the legal traditions of the world, and namely with those traditions with whom the Italian legal system has major contacts. The study of the traditions will be conducted both from a historical and a comparative perspective, taking into account the interaction among legal traditions, the hybridisation and harmonization processes, as well as the competition among legal models.

In particular, the course will deal with the following traditions:
- Civil law
- Common law
- Muslim
- Indu
- East-Asian

Testi Adottati

Students shall study the following books:

1) V. Varano – V. Barsotti, La tradizione giuridica occidentale, Giappichelli, Torino, 2021


2) G. Calabresi, Il mestiere di giudice. Pensieri di un accademico americano, Mulino, Bologna, 2014

Modalità Erogazione

The course is aimed at stimulating active participation by the student, making recourse to the socratic method and the use of new technologies. It is also aimed at explaining legal realist attitudes and inter-disciplinary approaches to legal phenomena.

Modalità Valutazione

[APPLICABLE DURING THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY] The exam is entirely written and consists of : a) 10 multiple-choice questions. Each correct answer is awarded 1 point. Incorrect answers or missing answers are awarded 0 points. The questions are based on the topics analysed by the textbooks. b) 4 open questions. Each answer will be evaluated on a scale from 0 to 7 points. The exam has a total duration of 40 minutes and will take during the emergency COVID-19 online through the platforms Elearning and Teams (see http://portalestudente.uniroma3.it/accedi/area-studenti/istruzioni/esami-di-profitto/. The final grade is the sum of the points awarded for each part of the exam. Exam results will be communicated exclusively through the Gomp platform. Students shall be free to refuse the grade within 7 days from the publication of the results. Registration of the grade on the “libretto dello studente” can be requested anytime. If the grade is below 18/30 (not-sufficient) the student will not be allowed to sign-in to the following date of the exam. This rule does not apply to cases of withdrawal or refusal of the grade awarded (above 18/30). It is reminded that the exam is a written one and therefore it is necessary to be on time. For the Erasmus students who have difficulties in writing in Italian, an oral exam or an exam written in foreign language may be agreed upon, by contacting the Professor ahead of time