Lectures & Seminars 2024
Compulsory Attendance
Also of Interest
Carlos Moreno (Universidad Externado de Colombia, Roma Tre Visiting Fellow), L’azione di tutela colombiana (Acción de Tutela, ex art. 86 della Costituzione colombiana)
June 13 |
Link identifier #identifier__41706-1Olimpia Loddo (Università di Cagliari), Traduzione intersemiotica e prassi giuridica. Profili teorici e prospettive professionali
June 3 |
Link identifier #identifier__49121-2Ralf Poscher (Max Planck Institute Freiburg | Roma Tre Visiting Professor), Legislative Intent in Legal Interpretation
May 30, h 12 |
La tutela giurisdizionale dell’ambiente in Colombia e nei sistemi dell’America Latina. Professor Carlos Ivàn Moreno Machado Universidad de Externado de Colombia Roma TRE Visiting fellow
May 29, h 16 |
Link identifier #identifier__140103-3Radka MacGregor Pelikánová (Metropolitní univerzita Praha – Roma Tre Visiting Professor), The New Unitary Patent System and Europe
May 28 |
Link identifier #identifier__38776-4Radka MacGregor Pelikánová (Metropolitní univerzita Praha – Roma Tre Visiting Professor), Sustainability European Style – from accountability through responsibility to liability
May 27 |
Carlos Moreno (Universidad Externado de Colombia, Roma Tre Visiting Fellow), L’azione di tutela colombiana (Acción de Tutela, ex art. 86 della Costituzione colombiana)
May 23 |
Ralf Poscher (Max Planck Institute Freiburg | Roma Tre Visiting Professor), Interpretation and Application of Fundamental Rights (Part I)
May 22, h 11 |
Link identifier #identifier__100432-5Book discussion, Metodologia e diritto civile, di V. Velluzzi
May 16 |
Link identifier #identifier__68913-6Emilios Christodoulidis (Glasgow), Scott Veitch (Hong Kong), AI and Digital Governance: the Law and Politics of New Technologies
May 10, h 12 |
Link identifier #identifier__189347-7The Future of Consumer Profiling and of Commercial Communications
April 22, h 9:30 |
Link identifier #identifier__170277-8Laura Zoboli (Università di Brescia – Università Bocconi), Artificial Creators and Digital Dilemmas
April 18, h 12 |
Link identifier #identifier__80421-9José Luis Pinar (Universidad San Pablo, Madrid): Le sfide della “privacy” del cervello: i neurodiritti
April 15, h 12:30 |
Link identifier #identifier__46169-10Matthias Klatt (Graz & Roma Tre Visiting Professor), The use of foreign precedent
April 11 |
Link identifier #identifier__188575-11Religion and Contract Law in Islam
April 4, h 12 |
Link identifier #identifier__86698-12Kevin Toh (UCL & Roma Tre Visiting Professor), Legal Fictions and Analogical Reasoning
April 4, h 11 |
Link identifier #identifier__118759-13Mikael Madsen (Copenaghen), Salvatore Caserta (Copenaghen), Studying International Courts: Legal and Socio-Legal Approaches
April 3 |
Link identifier #identifier__2904-14Kevin Toh (UCL & Roma Tre Visiting Professor), Legal Interpretation in General
March 28, h 11 |
Link identifier #identifier__110254-15Dennis Patterson (Rutgers), Interpretation and Transnational Law
March 21 |
Link identifier #identifier__89848-16Matthias Klatt (Graz & Roma Tre Visiting Professor), Constitutionally Conforming Interpretation
March 14 |
Link identifier #identifier__140536-17Giuseppe Zaccaria (Accademico dei Lincei), Il giudice e l’algoritmo
March 7, h 15 |
Link identifier #identifier__33937-18Eleonora Branca (Roma Tre), Responsibility regimes of international organizations in peace operations
March 5, h 16
Link identifier #identifier__43933-19Jean d’Aspremont (Sciences Po & Roma Tre Visiting Professor), Interpretation and International Law
(Link identifier #identifier__95111-20d’Aspremont Two attitudes towards textuality)
29 February |
Link identifier #identifier__40457-21L’‘intenzione’ nella cultura teologico-giuridica occidentale
Link identifier #identifier__27999-22Programma
26 February – 1 March
Link identifier #identifier__193657-23Book discussion, Radical Constitutional Pluralism in Europe, by O. Scarcello
15 February, h 16 |
Link identifier #identifier__52911-24Comparative Visions in Space Law
9-10 February, h 9:15 |
Link identifier #identifier__117573-25Daniele Manacorda – Mirco Modolo (a cura di),
Le immagini del patrimonio culturale. Un’eredità condivisa?
1 February, h 14 |
Link identifier #identifier__189448-26Interpretare: gli interpreti, le interpretazioni. L’interpretazione degli “altri”
18 January, h 15 |